Saturday, May 30, 2009

What we got

(with mark doing his asking for a few extra photos)
we got ...
2- 10x13's
4- 8x10's (only 2 originally)
13- 5x7's
4 sheets of wallets (only 3 sheets originally)
and a CD with all the photos & the copywrite to keep producing more. so we aren't illegal. lol.

Friday, May 29, 2009


So we've just spent a roll of money on Prossional photos for Jared. I guess we have the right to, he is our first. so here in a few weeks, i'll have a ton of photos to post everywhere. you will probably be so aggrivated with all the photos. I thought this was a really good photo. lol!

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

We've Seen It!!

well due to the last post, we have both seen Baby Jared Roll Over. YEAH!!! So we had missed the first three, but Mark caught the 4th one and I caught the 5th one. we're so excited. also he is trying to reach for toys a little more, but ends up just pushing the toys further away from him. lol.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009


ok, well Last Sunday and today, Jared has changed postion on us with noone ADMITTING to helping him. Well I put Jared to sleep on his back for a nap, and he somehow rolled onto his side and then onto his tummy. (he struggled with the arm that he was laying on.) and he did that twice.

And today Mark was making Jared do tummy time and he was fussing a little and we both looked away (real quick) and mark looked back down and exclaimed, "He Just rolled over." I look down and low-and-behold he was laying on his back. So Mark (the genius) pushes Jared back on his tummy and we both say, "Do it again, we didn't see it." lol.
I failed to mention - He hasn't rolled over in view of anyone yet.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

3 Months-12 Weeks

so by date wise he's not quite 3 months old yet. but by weeks he is 12 weeks as of yesterday (Wed.). He is so long and so big. I weighed him on Friday, and he weighed 14# 7oz, with an empty diaper. so a solid 14# 5oz. he's a big boy. still over two foot long. fighting the sleep and filling the diapers. well Jared has about 3 words that he says, but not on a conscience level. they are "momma", "uh-oh", and "hi". also we have heard him say "hungry" once. So he's teaching us how to talk 'baby' talk.