Well we were at the doctor's and waitting for him to show up into the room and my husband asked if we get a 3rd and finale ultra sound. I said, we can ask. at the end of the apppointment we asked about it and he said,"When you book your next appointment, ask for the last appointment of the day and we'll sneak into the ultrasound room and see what we can do.
So the two photos are done by the doc. I've got no clue as to what's going on, I guess that's why he's the doc and not the ultra sound tech. lol. but baby is head down and looking good.
So i need to work on my copying skills. but when in doubt, pinky out.
And This one... mark and the Doc were seeing it upside down of what i was seeing. They were seeing the bottom (cock your head to the right, chin to the left) with the kid covering his eye with his hand.
But i'm seeing it (cock your head to the left, chin to the right) I can see the brown full head of hair, with his thumb in his mouth with the fingers up into the cheek. nose closer to the wrist.
let me know if you can see it, or if I should re-copy.